sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Aulas na Casa Pia de Lisboa, com mestre Nuno Russo

Inscrições Abertas!!!

Novas aulas em horário Pós Laboral, com inicio já no próximo dia 4 de Março, nas Instalações da Casa Pia de Lisboa.

CED Pina Manique
Rua dos Jerónimos, 5
1400-210 Lisboa

Responsável técnico: Mestre Nuno Russo.

Contacte para inscrição ou esclarecimentos através dos e-mails:

Inscreve-te já e garante o teu lugar.

ATENÇÃO: A data do inicio das aulas teve de ser alterada para dia 11 de Março segunda-feira, com os seguintes horários:
Iniciados das 18.30 às 19:30,
Avançados das 19:30 às 21.00.

Todos os interessados quer seja em experimentar ou em se inscrever têm de enviar um e-mail para ou com a respectiva indicação do interesse e o nome completo de modo a poderem aceder às instalações onde decorrem os treinos.

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2013

Aulas de jogo do pau em Messines, Ferragudo e Monchique

Os treinos de Jogo do Pau já começaram em Messines, Ferragudo e Monchique,
para mais informações:

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Aulas na margem sul!

Aulas de Jogo do Pau - Esgrima Lusitana na margem sul.
Com Marco Morais, aluno do mestre Nuno Russo.

-Futebol Clube Quinta da Lomba: Quartas-feiras das 20h30 às 22h00 e Sábados das 15h00 às 16h30.
-Grupo Desportivo Ferroviários do Barreiro: Sábados das 17h00 às 18h30 e Domingos das 9h00 às 10h30.

Para treinar contactar Marco Morais:
tlm.: 968 206 306

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

New book on Jogo do Pau

Brief intro about Jogo do Pau and this book:
WHAT IS Jogo do Pau?
Though it is hard to answer this question without copy-pasting a significant portion of the book here, it is, nevertheless, possible to summarize JdP as being:

-A living tradition that has its roots in sword arts of medieval & renaissance Europe

-More specifically, a weapon combat art which supplies trainees with the development of motor skills in:
Single handed weapon (baton) single combat & outnumbered combat

-Double handed weapon (staff) single & outnumbered combat

-Application of the previously described "traditional" skills to modern self defence settings

This book looks to offer a comprehensive analysis of this fine art, which includes:

· How it has been influenced by:
o   Portugal’s history
o   The distinct social dynamics of rural and urban environments

·  How it has been preserved by a  long lineage of extremely dedicated instructors

· The different techniques and tactics employed within:
o   Outnumbered and single combat
o   Double and single handed weapons

-A thorough description of JdP's techniques and tactics within the previously mentioned combat settings.

-An innovative and very practical teaching methodology based on manipulating the environment so as to optimize combat performance by going beyond merely teaching movements and actually teach trainees task oriented motor skills (context awareness).

Though this book isn't a step by step training manual, its teaching section includes several exercises that enable readers to:
 -Practice JdP's technical foundations
-Apply the same guidelines to the training of their own striking combat art

AND ...

Being a thoroughly systematized living tradition, not only does it constitute an element of great cultural value, but its contents:

-Are easy to grasp

-Organized in a very functional manner

-Provide martial arts' researchers with a window to the past which can be quite helpful in their efforts to ressurect other schools of thought


Release discount code (25%) N857F7JT
(valid until February 28th)

Shop link

Also available on Amazon US, will be up on European Amazons in a few days.

Check out first edition's reviews on Amazon

More info:
Why did I put together a second edition?
The idea of putting together a second edition of this book first came about as a result of having had the first edition selling out and receiving several inquiries about it.

Then, why didn’t we simply print more copies of the first edition?    
After reading through the first edition, and thought I did not consider that it needed to have its contents corrected, I did feel that, 8 years after writing it, I could do a better job at explaining its contents.
Additionally, given martial arts' universal difficulty in successfully devising martially sound sparring settings that adequately simulate combat reality, I also identified different and, hopefully, useful insights that needed sharing as to how Jogo do Pau’s practice can be effective and martially sound.  

For a more detailed outlook of this book, I leave you for now with its table of contents:

sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

Aulas de Jogo do Pau no Sport Algés e Dafundo

Nova classe de Jogo do Pau / Esgrima Lusitana no Sport Algés e Dafundo, por Marco Morais, aluno do mestre Nuno Russo.

Segundas e Sextas feiras, às 20:30

Mais informações em: